

А не знает ли кто-нибудь, как достать сии произведения западной буржуазной историографии (причем так, чтоб не платить за них всякой заморской валюты и не ехать за ними за тридевять земель):

1. Ashford D. National Development and Local Reforms Princeton, 1967
2. Badcock, S. Politics and the People in Revolutionary Russia: a Provincial History / Sarah Badcock. – Cambridge, UK; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2007
3. Food supply in Russia during the World War / Ed. by P. B. Struve. – New Haven: Yale Univer-sity Press, 1930.
4. Field D. The End of Selfdom. Cambridge 1976
5. Hasogava H. The February Revolution. Petrograd. Seattle 1981
6. Holquist, P. Making War, Forging Revolution: Russia's Continuum of Crisis, 1914-1921 / Peter Holquist. – Cambridge (Mass.), L.: Harvard University Press, 2002
7. Kimitaka M. The Role of Zemstvo in Tsarist Total-War Management and in its Collapsi. Sapporo. 1994
8. Lih, L. T. Bread and Authority in Russia, 1914-1921 / Lars T. Lih. – Berkeley, Los-Angeles, Ox-ford: University of California Press, 1990.
9. Manning R. The Crisis of the Old Order in Russia: Gentry and Government. Princeton, 1982.
10. Offord D. Portraits of Early Russian Liberal. L. 1985
11. Porter T. and Cleason W. The Zemstvo and the Transformation of Russia Society. Emergine Democracy in Late Imperial Russia: an Experiment in Local Self-Government. Cambridge 1982

@темы: глас вопиющего в пустыне

09.12.2012 в 16:36

Teacher: are there any classes you are struggling with? Me: the bourgeois. Teacher: what ? Karl Marx: nice
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